Chemical Neurolyis

Fluoroguided Interventions

This is a chemical way to destroy the pain carrying nerve(s) and provide relief from pain.

How does Chemical Neurolysis work?

The chemical is a mixture of ethanol and a local anesthetic. After administration of the mixture upon the nerve under ultrasound or fluoroguidance, the nerve stops transmitting pain sensations and the pain disappears.

Indications of Chemical Neurolysis include:

What happens after a fluoroguided intervention?

The recovery after a fluoroguided intervention is dependent on the type of procedure performed. In many cases, the patient is able to return home immediately after the procedure. But, some procedures may require a short period of recovery in the facility before the patient is able to leave.

  • Intolerable side effects of analgesic therapy
  • Advanced or terminal malignancy
  • Pain well localized:
  • 1. Unilateral pain, localized to the trunk
    2. Involves only a few dermatomes or one peripheral nerve

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